City Girl Coffee Co. is a sister company to Alakef Coffee that was created to bring awareness and equality to women of the coffee industry.

City Girl Coffee is not just a cute company with cool colors and a chic look. We are a sustainable and responsible coffee company who is working to bring awareness and equality to the women of the coffee industry. We source as much of our coffee as possible from small, women owned or managed farms and co-operatives, and give a portion of every sale back to the organizations that support the success of women in their country of origin.
In April of 2015, our Founder, Alyza Bohbot, was fortunate enough to attend the IWCA breakfast at a Seattle conference. There, a man from Colombia got up and told a story about a husband and wife. The husband had died fighting in the war, and when a key piece of farming material broke down, the Colombian banks refused to provide the loan the wife would need to keep her farm alive, for no other reason than she was female.
Of the world’s estimated 1 billion poor, 70% are women. Women own less than 1% of the world’s titled land. The World Bank estimates that more than 500 MILLION PEOPLE throughout the world are dependent on coffee FOR THEIR LIVELIHOODS, and of that number, 25 million are coffee farmers. Hearing these staggering statistics, Alyza thought to herself, “There has to be something we can do.” And then she thought, “How cool would it be if we had a coffee brand that tried to source as much coffee as possible from women coffee farmers, and then on top of that, worked with these organizations to give back to these women!”
The rest is history.